Adult Inquiry Classes
Inquiry classes are for any of our family, friends or neighbors who are not Catholic but are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith.
If interested, call Fr. Bruce Fogle to schedule a time to meet and begin classes. Let us all grow together in the love and knowledge of Christ and His Church.
Free Online Course on St. Thomas Aquinas
The Dominicans are launching a free online course allowing anyone to study one of the greatest minds in the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas. The Church reminds the faithful to be well-formed in “the faith delivered once for all to the saints” (Jude 1:3). Or as the Catechism puts it, all the faithful are to develop their faith in such a way that they realize the supernatural appreciation of the faith.
The course is called “Aquinas 101” and there are 86 video lessons planned. Those who enroll will receive by email two lessons each week, walking you through the basics of Aquinas’ masterwork, the Summa Theologiae. For those who want to go deeper in any given week, each lesson with also provide further reading, including the complete text of the Summa, and an “Ask the Friar” feature for those who have specific questions they need help with.
Converts constantly ask me what they should read, or whether they should take theology courses. They somehow intuitively know that their mind needs to be fed with true doctrine if they want to avoid conforming themselves to all the false doctrines on offer. My advice from now on will be: “Take Aquinas 101 with the Dominicans. It will help you think well about the Faith, and the rest will follow.”
So ALL are ENCOURAGED to sign up and take this FREE online course at your on pace.