Welcome to St. John the Evangelist

We at St. John the Evangelist are an active Catholic faith community working together to help people encounter God and grow in their relationship with Jesus. We believe that faith is a journey and no matter where you are on the journey, we welcome you.

This website will help you learn about what's going on here at St. John the Evangelist and how you can get involved. Our parish becomes more vibrant and enriched when more parishioners come forward to share their faith, time, and talent with the rest of the community. There are a lot of possibilities! Know that we are here for you and if there is anything we can do for you, please let us know.

God bless!

Upcoming Events

Safe Environment

Anyone aware of the abuse of a person under the age of eighteen is required by law to report this to the proper state authorities.


The Jesse Tree (An Advent Family Devotion)

With the Season of Advent approaching, Sun, Dec 1, I would like to encourage parishioners to prayerfully think about using the Jesse Tree as a way to make Advent a way to prepare for Christ’s birth.


20th St Mary Auction and Benefit Dinner

Doors open at 5:30pm and dinner is served at 6:30pm at St Mary High School. Tickets and sponsorship opportunities can be purchased at bidpal.net/merryandbright2024.

Compassionate Friends of W KY

Join us for a meeting every 2nd Sunday of the month, 2:00-4:00pm.

Homemakers Club

Join us every 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm in the Cafe (Sep - May).

The Veil Removed - Film


The Veil Removed is a short film that reveals the coming together of heaven and earth at Mass, as seen by saints and mystics, revealed by scripture and in the catechism of the Catholic Church.

It perfectly captures the most extraordinary event in all of history: Christ’s sacrifice of Calvary. An endless, continual sacrifice that transcends time and space itself, blending the supernatural world with the natural world.


Article and video from ChurchPOP.


All St. John the Evangelist parishioners are invited to register at FORMED.org under the St. John the Evangelist subscription.

Family Catholic movies, talks, and study classes are all available for you to hear and view. All FREE for you to use!


Help to fight the battle of pornography for families and individuals

May Our Blessed Mother, Virgin most Pure, pray for all who struggle to live the virtue of purity in mind, heart and body. CleanHeartInitiative.com is here to help parents to have conversations with their children and help those who are struggling to find resources.